Here's How you Can Get What to Say in Any Sales Situation, In Any Part of the Call, All At Your Fingertips
"I would have easily paid over $25,000 for this collection of sales 'what to say's' if it were available years ago, even if I had to borrow the money."
Watch This Personal Message from Art
Here’s what really annoys me to no end about sales training and sales gurus…
...a lot of what’s out there tells you what you should do.
You should get people to respond to you.
You should create interest.
You should talk about value.
You should place more calls.
Yes, obviously, we know that.
When I was a young, up and coming salesperson, I wanted to know, what do I SAY to do those things? And I still do.
I’ve got zero tolerance for people and information that wastes my time and doesn’t deliver something I can use.
If you’re like most salespeople, you’re that way too.
In my 30+ years in the sales training business, of the thousands of questions I’ve received and continue to get, most them start with some thing like,
What do I say when…
What are some answers for…
What do I say in a voice mail…
How can I overcome the objections when they say..
How do I create interest with…
What are some good lines for…
What do I put in an email to…
What the best way to…
What are some answers for…
What do I say in a voice mail…
How can I overcome the objections when they say..
How do I create interest with…
What are some good lines for…
What do I put in an email to…
What the best way to…
Notice a trend here?
These all deal with exactly what to say in sales conversations and messaging.
It’s not should do. We know what we should do. We want the HOW TO.
It’s a lot easier to sound smooth when you know what to say, instead of freezing up, having your heart drop to the floor, and blabbering some nonsense because you have no clue of what words to use.
Let face it, sales is a performance sport. Words, phrases and sentences are our tools. When you have the right tools, you can confidently perform at the highest level and get what you want.
There are no natural born salespeople. There are just people who have learned WHAT to say, and got good at saying it at the right time.
Most failed sales calls didn’t turn out that way because of a bad product or service, or a customer or prospect who was a jerk. Their reactions are almost always caused by the words of the salesperson.
That’s right. Most salespeople aren’t rejected by a prospect. Most salespeople who get rejected deserved it because they caused it with the words they used.
Or, DIDN'T use.
I’ve been there, have you?
Those times where you totally blow a call because you had a Homer Simpson moment: “Doh!” … and didn’t know what to say.
Or how about completely avoiding placing a call because you weren’t confident, because you didn’t know what to say to get someone interested?
You don’t need to experience any of that again.
What if you could access tried and proven sales techniques with just a few mouse clicks, for virtually any type of sales situation or challenge you run into?
For examples, techniques that you could use on your very next call to get screeners working with you instead of trying to get rid of you?
What if you could pull up examples of proven prospecting email that got a reply, instead of deleted or a spam complaint?
What if after confidently delivering your call opening the prospect said, “Sure, let’s talk,” instead of “I’m not interested?”
How much easier, less painful and stressful, and gratifying would that make your sales calling?
Just think of how many sales calls you would have had a different result with IF YOU JUST KNEW THE RIGHT THINGS TO SAY!
We can’t do anything about the past,
but you can about the future.
I have devoted my entire adult life to researching, studying, practicing, writing about, and teaching what to say and how to say to get more yeses, and less resistance in prospecting and sales.
I have over a thousand books in my library. Not just on sales, but persuasion, negotiation, relationships, questioning, credibility, marketing, psychology, and more. I have studied techniques that trial attorneys use to sway a jury.
I have invested well over $200,000 in attending seminars, workshops and coaching programs.
I have listened to tens of thousands of sales calls.
I have written thousands of tips and articles, and spoken millions of words in over 1500 training programs over the past 30+ years.
And oh, I can sell a little myself. I’ve generated millions of dollars with my words, selling my own services and products. (Which is the hardest thing to sell emotionally, by the way. It’s harder to not take a no personally, when they are saying no to you as the product.)
Does my stuff work?
If you’re not familiar with me, or my material, we could ask the hundreds of thousands of sales pros worldwide—and those that didn’t have sales in their title but needed to do it anyway—who have generated countless millions of dollars in revenue, profits, income and other commitments as a result of using my material.
So what does this all mean to you?
Remember all of those questions I mentioned earlier that I get about what to say in all of these different sales situations?
Well what of you had at your fingertips, the result of pretty much everything I know, and have created in those sales situations?
What if you had access to the most comprehensive collection of what to say messaging for prospecting and inside sales you can use on your own calls?
Messaging that is conversational, non cheesy, and non salesy.
Proven techniques that you’d be comfortable and confident saying, and prospects and customers would engage with, and take action as a result of.
Well, I have created that resource for you, and invite you to have access to it, so you’ll never be at a loss for what say in any sales situation.
I Created Smart Calling Online For You
I am launching my new Smart Calling Online, which is a massive online collection of text, video, and audio word-for-word scripts, sales tips, articles, lessons, examples, , answers, case studies, call makeovers and more.
There is no part of sales and prospecting that isn’t covered. Voice mail, getting to buyers, examples of opening statements, questions, persuasive sales presentations, closes, answers to objections, stalls, resistance, how to follow up, upselling, cross selling, overcoming call reluctance and rejection… and I am just scratching the surface.
And oh, all of this material is categorized by topic, and it’s searchable. So for example, I just did a search on the term, “price objection,” and up came 58 pieces of content, a few videos, an audio, and over 50 articles and posts each dealing with the price objection in some way.
Right now there are over 1600 individual pieces of content available to you, containing well over a couple thousand word-for-word techniques, that most importantly,
Think there are a few in there that can help you get more appointments and close more and larger sales. I guarantee it.
And by the way, you’re not only getting my stuff, but there are over 20 other top experts, the big names, the best of the best who have contributed to my publications over the years.
It's even better than having me personally answering questions!
And when you have access to Smart Calling Online, it’s actually better than having me answer questions for you—there’s no way I can remember everything I wrote and produced.
In fact, when I get a question or prepare for training, I go in here and pull out my own stuff. (And I’m often impressed with myself. HA!)
I wish I had access to all of this unbelievable sales power when I first started. I would have become wealthy much more quickly, and avoided thousands of hours of learning, failing, and trial and error. I easily would have paid over $25,000 for this, even when I didn’t have the money and would have needed to borrow it.
But you aren’t going to invest anything near that, and you can get instant access to it all, right now.
Get Instant Access Below
OK, if you’re ready to get started, scroll down to the bottom, check out the unbelievable offer I’m making you, and the amazing bonuses.
Or, if you’re the type of person who wants to see more, no problem, I’ve got more details for you below. In fact, I’ve got the titles of every piece of content you’ll get listed below, along with some actual examples of the audios and videos.
The Training Library
This is the massive collection of OVER 1552 text tips, articles, lessons, examples, word-for-word scripts, answers, case studies, call makeovers, and more. If you took just one of these examples and used it to close a big sale, what would that be worth to you?
There will be no reason for you to ever come up empty again when you are looking for exactly the right words to use in virtually any prospecting and sales situation.
Click on the topics below to see the full listing of the posts in that category.
Pre-Call Planning
Pre-Buyer Conversations (screeners, voice mail, Social Engineering)
1. "And Does He/She Know What This is About?"
2. "What's This in Reference To"?
3. 9 Steps to Selling to the Gatekeepers
4. A Last Resort Gatekeeper Strategy
5. Ask the Screener About The Decision Maker's Preferences
6. A Question for Screeners
7. A Question to Ask the Screener
8. You WILL Encounter Gatekeepers. Here's How to Deal With Them
9. A Shady Voice Mail Technique
10. A Simple Method that Increases Callbacks
11. A Simple Tip to Get Your Emails Noticed
12. A Unique Voice Mail Technique
13. Why Trying to Beat Gatekeepers Ends Up Beating You
14. A Voice Mail Idea
15. Always Thank the Gatekeeper
16. A Disarming Approach
17. Ask For the Contact First, then Explain
18. Four Simple Steps to Find the Decision Maker in Any Company
19. Five Steps to Get Through Caller ID
20. Avoid These Nine Voice Mail Blunders
21. Be Like Donald Trump to Get to Decision Makers
22. How to Sell to Gatekeepers When You Need To
23. Be Politely Assertive With Assistants
24. Browse Their Directory
25. Communicate Instead of Playing Phone "Tag"
26. Create Your Own Radio Commercial
27. CSI: Voice Mail
28. Dealing with the Gatekeeper
29. Dealing with the “Informal Screener”
30. Eight Tips to Get Your P.O. Faster
31. Find Out When They’ll Get Your Message
32. For Screeners with Inquiring Minds
33. Gain Commitment From the Screener
34. Gather Information When You Reach Voicemail
35. Get Gatekeepers to Help You With Social Engineering
36. Get Through More Often by Helping the Screener Do Their Job
37. Getting Your Message to the Buyer
38. Give Them a Good Reason to Return Your Call
39. Handling Unreturned Voice Mail Messages
40. How to Be Smart With Gatekeepers
41. How to Create and Deliver a Killer Voice Mail Message
42. How to Deal With Gatekeeper Objections
43. How to Get Through, and Talk to More Buyers
44. How to Succeed With Gatekeepers
45. How to Use E-Mail and Voice Mail to Get a Return Call From Your Prospects
46. How to Work With Gatekeepers
47. Look for the Screener
48. Make it Easier to Get Through Next Time
49. Make it Easier to Get Through on the Follow-Up Call
50. Nine Voice Mail Success Tips
51. Pique Their Curiosity With Your Voice Mail
52. Refer to the Screener
53. Review Your Message
54. Search for Buyers in Other Areas
55. STOP Being a Sales WIMP
56. Their Assistants Can and Should Be Yours, Too
57. Handling Gatekeeper Questions and Objections
58. They are Judging YOU
59. Three Steps to Using Email to Get Past Voice Mail
60. Treat Them Like Customers
61. Use an Anonymous Email Address for Stealthy Research
62. Use Voice Mail to Learn
63. Voice Mail Success
64. Voice Mail Tactics:
65. Voice Mail Tips
66. Voice Mail Tips From Sales Pros
67. What to Do When the Screener Suggests Emailing the Decision Maker
68. What to Say At the Beginning of a Prospecting Call
69. What We Can Learn from Online Scammers About Prospecting
70. A Tip to Get Through
71. When the Screener Gives You the "Just Send Literature" Brush-Off
72. When They're Gone or Tough to Reach
73. Will You Help Me?
74. Justify the Reason for the Call
75. You Lost Most of Your LinkedIn Contacts
76. Success Tip from a Smart Caller
Voice Mail
Interest-Creating Openings
Effective Questioning
Persuasive Sales Recommendation
Closing and Commitment
Stalls and Resistance
Follow-Up Calls
Attitude, Motivation, Call Reluctance, and Rejection
Inside Sales
Time Management
Brief Tips
Training Videos
In Art's previous exclusive Inner Circle coaching and training group he produced a DVD every other month for two years called "Telesales TV." Each DVD contained 4-5 video training segments, ranging from 4-5 minutes, up to 10-15 minutes.
We later sold those DVD's for $99 each, and $995 for the set of 12. We have taken all 56 of these timeless sales lessons, categorized them, and make them available individually in your Smart Calling Online member portal.
They are ideal for an intro to a sales meeting, to include as part of your sales training, or for individuals looking for sales instruction and answers on specific topics.
In what became one of the most popular and entertaining segments of Telesales TV, at the end of many episodes Art would receive a call from the clueless sales rep, Al Smolski. Al would inevitably make some major mistake that many reps also commit, and then Art would turn it into a sales lesson.
You'll laugh at some of the mistakes that Al makes, but you also might identify with some of them as well. In all cases, you can learn from them, like Al... well sometimes he does.
- Al Smolski Calls Art and Asks If He Should Ask If It's a Good Time
- Al Smolski Calls Art and Gets a Lesson On How to Open a Follow-Up Call
- Al Smolski Follows Up on Old Leads from a Previous Sales Rep
- Al Smolski Places a "Market Research" Call
- Al Smolski Places a Dumb Call to Art
- Al Smolski Places a Sales Call to Art on His Cell. Big Mistake!
- Art Calls Al Smolski and Coaches Him on Handling the Incoming Call
Pre-Buyer Conversations (screeners and voice mail)
- A Sleazy Voice Mail Tactic to Avoid
- How to Answer Screeners' Questions
Interest-Creating Openings
- "How are You Today?" Use it Or Not?
- Opening Statement Reviews
- Questions from Sales Reps on Openings, Early Price Questions
- Scripts: What TO Do, and Avoid, So You Don't Sound Like You're Using One
Effective Questioning
- Ask the "Cleansing Question" to Move Prospects Forward or Out
- Handling Prospects Who are in "Panic Mode"
- How to Really Listen and Encourage them to Talk
- How to Not Be Stopped by "Fuzzy Phrases"
- How to Prepare Fewer Bids and Proposals, and Win More
- Questioning Tip for When They "Need to Speak with Someone Else"
- Selling Value Instead of Low Price
- Why You Should NOT Ask About Budgets
- The Advanced Level of Questioning: The Iceberg Theory (See the actual video below)
Sales Mythbuster
In this popular recurring segment of Telesales TV, "Myth Guy" would spout off about a common and often repeated--but wrong--sales myth. Art then sets the record straight about the reality, and what to do.
- Sales Mythbuster-"Don't Give Screeners any Information"
- Sales Mythbuster-"Sales and Prospecting By Phone Is Just a Numbers Game"
- Sales Mythbuster: "Ask if they are the decision maker in the opening"
- Sales Mythbuster:"Never Ask a Question that Can Be Answered One Word or No"
- Sales Mythbuster: "The Phone Should Only Be Used to Set Appointments"
- Sales Mythbuster: "Go Over their Head if They Can't Make the Decision" (see actual video below)
Sales Recommendation and Closing
1. Show How to Cut Their Costs to Make More Sales
2. Closing and Commitment Tips to Move the Sale Forward
1. Brief Tips on Selling at Your Full Price
2. Handling Stalls and Delays
3. Handling the "Send me some information" Request
4. How to Handle "The Timing Isn't Right Right Now"
5. How to Handle Stalls, Delays, and Brush Off's
6. Negotiating Without Giving Up Pure Profit
7. Responding to "I'm Happy With Who We're Using Now"
8. Responding to Price Comments, and Price Objections. There is a Difference
9. The Professional Way to Deal With Objections
10. Handling Real Price Objections (see actual video below)
- An Analysis of a Prospecting Call
- Avoid "Cold" Calls; How to Place SMART Calls
- Selling at the Highest Level
Q&A and Brief Tips
- QuickTips
- Several Brief Tips
- Success Tips From Fellow Sales Reps
- The Mailbag: Questions About Scripts, Best Times to Call
- The Mailbag: Questions About What to Say and Avoid in Openings
- Questions from Sales Reps (see actual video below)
Self-Motivation and Attitude
- How to Never Be Rejected Again on a Sales or Prospecting Call
- How to Stay Motivated
- Size DOES Matter as It Relates to Your Thinking, and Sales Success
Follow-Up Calls
- How to Place Effective Follow-Up Calls
- How to Set Phone Appointments
- Turning Inquiries Into Sales
“You have made such a huge difference here. Our people sound so great on the phone. They love your material and it works.”
Nancy Todd Abatement Technologies
Audio Training Lessons
In Art's previous exclusive Inner Circle coaching and training group he also did a series of 22 audio training tips, ranging from 3-8 minutes. He previously sold this as a CD set for $197.
These are also perfect for brief sales meetings, individual training, and for downloading to listen over and over again on your mobile device.
Click on the topics below to see the titles, and hear some examples.
Opening Statements
1. "How are You Today?" Should You Say It, Or Not?
2. Asking for Help: It's Good and Bad
3. Avoiding the "Just Checking In" Opening
4. Do Not Ask if They are the Decision Maker in Your Opening
5. Don't Tell Them What You Can Or Will Do in Your Opening
6. Don't Use the "Cocktail Party" Opening
7. If I Could Only Give One Piece of Advice to a New Salesperson...
8. Follow-Up Opening to Avoid: "The Lost Traveler Opening." (hear the actual audio below)
Sales Recommendations and Closing
1. Doing a "Data Dump" Ensures Resistance
2. How to Position What You Say as Credible
3. Get a Commitment to Move the Process Forward
Resistance and Objections
1. Handling "I Want to Think About It"
2. Handling the "Not now" Objection
3. Handling the "We don't need it" Objection
4. How to Not Cave in to Price Concession Requests
Self-Motivation and Attitude
1. "Good Enough" Never Is for Sales Superstars
2. How to Never Feel Rejected Again
Although we are already piling on the value, we are going to make it even more irresistible for you. There will be no way to avoid improving your prospecting and sales success.
You will get these...

1. Smart Calling Training Webinars
Each month for my Inner Circle Coaching and Smart Calling College members we do a live training webinar. I alternate monthly with a guest celebrity expert. They, and I, deliver non-stop tip after tip in each of these sessions. You get TWO YEARS of these, 24 training webinar videos! ($1896 value)

Every week Art puts out a weekly email tip... sometimes an in-depth sales lesson, other times a quick, timely current reference with a sales point you can use. Many people use these as their main source of training and motivation. We have a few months of the back issues up at our main site, and get regular requests for all of the back issues. Which we sell for $197. You will get the past EIGHT YEARS of these tips, over 400 of them, FREE!
They also will be categorized and searchable in your Member's Area.
Your Investment
(probably a LOT lower than you expect)
With the previous, original version of Smart Calling Online, members paid $997 yearly or $99 per month, and it didn't even contain as much material as it has now.
And as we mentioned, we have previously sold the entire set of videos when they were on DVD (and not as convenient to find the segment you need when you need it) for $995.
The audios on CD sold for $197.
The Smart Calling Weekly Tip compilation alone sell for $197.
The 24 training webinars are an over $1800 value.
You can do the math. You are getting a tremendous amount of value that others have invested much more in. And they were happy to do so. Because they got a return on that investment.
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Where else can you get a deal like that?
Lower than the Previous Recurring YEARLY Rate
At first we thought it would be more than fair to charge $997, the same as the previous yearly rate. Except make it one time, for lifetime access. A smoking deal as is.
But, then we decided to make it even more accessible and affordable for some people where that might be pushing the upper end of their range (right now, anyway.)
So, we decided to price this massive collection of sales tools at just ...
(one-time price for lifetime access)
... BUT, That's Not What You'll Invest During This Grand Re-Opening!
We've gone a bit crazy here, and for our Grand Re-Opening, we are offering a special promotional investment rate.
We want to reward our long-time followers and customers, and take away any reason for someone to not get access to these sales tools.
So, until Tuesday night at midnight Pacific, the special Grand Re-Opening one-time price is just...
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(Limited-time, Grand Re-Opening one-time price for lifetime access!)
That price is good only until midnight Pacific time on Tuesday, May 7th.
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And, oh, I want to take away any question or risk as to whether this is for you.
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And you'll get all of your money back. No worries. No problem. No risk.

No Risk, SIX MONTH Guarantee
You risk nothing! Take your time, enjoy the benefits of this massive amount of content, and the updates. If you don’t feel it’s worth far more than you invested, we’ll give you all of your money back. You can’t lose!