An Opening and Voice Mail Review
Here's an email I received from a Smart Calling book buyer:
Hi Art, I did a review for you on Amazon for the Smart Calling book. I would like you to evaluate my cold voice mails please. I sell brokered commercial printing along with distributed branded merchandise and apparel.
Good Morning (Print Prospect), Hope you are having a good Tuesday.
I am Scott with Touchstone Marketing Services. We take the hassle out of print buying by controlling costs with our end to end print management services including online ordering systems. Outsourcing your print management impacts your bottom line, in both money and time allowing you to refocus resources on your job.
I'd like to ask you a couple questions regarding your print spend because I have an idea that, depending what your goals are, would be of great value to you. I'll call you again Friday morning, in the meantime if you would like to reach out to me my number is 574-540-7809, again Scott with Touchstone Marketing Services, 574-540-7809. Thanks.
Promo Products Example
Good Morning (promo products prospect) Hope you are having a good Tuesday.
I am Scott with Touchstone Marketing Services. We specialize in helping clients better connect their promotional item programs to their brand, and getting stellar results. What sets us apart is our process of understanding the DNA of your brand, your audience profile and specific need, resulting in creating a more targeted impact on your patrons who receive your branded item.
I'd like to ask you a couple of questions regarding your promotional spend because I have an idea just for you that you'll find uniquely valuable. I'll call you again Thursday, in the meantime if you are working on a project now, reach out to me at 574-784-3692. Again, Scott with Touchstone Marketing Services 574-540-7809. Thanks.
Art's Comments
HI Scott, thanks for the note and great review!
Regarding your openings... they're a good start, you have some good things in there.
First, I suggest always using your Smart Call intel... remember that as part of the Smart Call process at the beginning it is helpful to have a connection... something you know about them. Preferably something that is going on in their world as it relates to what you are selling. For example,
"I understand that your print buying there is not centralized and individual departments get their own quotes on projects..."
Or, "I understand that your admins there spend quite a bit of time on sending out printing quotes..." You get the picture.
Then tie your possible value statement into that:
"We specialize in working with companies in those types of situations, helping them to cut down the amount of time (add to that) while also cutting their costs in the process."
Also, I suggest being a bit more conversational and concrete with your possible value. For example, what does "What sets us apart is our process of understanding the DNA of your brand, your audience profile and specific need, resulting in creating a more targeted impact on your patrons who receive your branded item" really mean to them?
How about,
"What sets us apart is that we have some unique methodologies that cause people to remember you when they have a need for what you sell."
Again, you have a good foundation here. Let's make it a bit more conversational, and use more of the Smart Calling principles.